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URL Parameters & JavaScript

Diogenes Painting by Jean Leon Gerome
Today I was in need of a simple solution to get targeted parameters to a HTML page
I'm in a platform that only accepts a page as home page HTML. In my case my login page.
I needed that if the login had not success, then one message would be passed to this same page be reloaded,  reading and showing  the message.
I did not want to create a second page that is always overlooked when changing the layout or css.

After a little search I wrote the follow code:

to use, create a HTML file like: parametro.html

open with your browser, type something like:

file:///yourfolder/parametro.html?param=Hello World&param2=21/12/1966

<HTML LANG="pt-br">
 * Example of how to read the parameters of 
 * a URL when loading a page using javascript
 * @author Nivio dos Santos
 * @version 1.0

 * Creating namespace in order to avoid naming conflict.
nivio = function(){};
nivio.context = function(){};

 * Static method that can be triggered 
 * when loading the page capturing the parameters.
nivio.context.pageLoaded = function() 

var indice = document.URL.indexOf("?"); 
if(indice > -1)
nivio.context.params = new nivio.context.ObjParam();

// shortcut reference
var objParam = nivio.context.params;

var message = document.URL.substr(indice+1); 

var tuples = message.split("&"); 
for(var i=0;i<tuples.length;i++)
var param = tuples[i].split("=");
if( param.length > 1)
objParam.addParam( param[0], param[1] );
objParam.addParam( param[0], '' );

 * Class to hold the parameters
 * @constructor
 * @this {ObjParam}
nivio.context.ObjParam = function(){};

 * Creates a new Circle from a diameter.
 * @this {ObjParam}
 * @param {String} key to parameter value
 * @param {String} value
nivio.context.ObjParam.prototype.addParam = function(key,value)
    this.keys = this.getKeys();
this.keys.push( key );
this[key] = decodeURIComponent(value);

 * Get list of keys.
 * @this {ObjParam}
 * @return {Array<String>} The new Circle object.
nivio.context.ObjParam.prototype.getKeys = function()
if( this.keys == null || this.keys == undefined )
this.keys = new Array();
return this.keys;

 * Get  key associated parameter value
 * @this {ObjParam}
 * @return {String} 
nivio.context.ObjParam.prototype.getParam = function(key)
return this[key];

 * Teste
function teste()
    var texto="";
    var objParam = nivio.context.params;
    var keys = objParam.getKeys();
for(var i=0;i<keys.length;i++)
texto = texto +"<br>"+ keys[i] + "=" + objParam.getParam( keys[i] );

var areaT = document.getElementById("areateste");
areaT.innerHTML = texto;
<BODY onload="nivio.context.pageLoaded()">

<DIV ID="areateste">


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